Mortgage Calculators

Affordability Calculator

How much can you borrow from a lender?

Affordability Calculator

Calculate the amount you can afford.


Rent vs. Buy

Still renting an apartment and thinking about a home purchase?

Rent vs. Buy

This calculator can help you make the final decision.


Calculate Mortgage Points

How much points affect your monthly payments?

Calculate Mortgage Points

Calculate how much points affect your monthly payments.


Should I Refinance?

Is your old APR (Annual Percentage Rate) too high?

Should I Refinance?

Estimate the benefits of refinancing.


Featured Calculators

How Much Will My Payments Be?
Calculate your monthly payment with applicable finance charges, PMI, hazard insurance, and property taxes.
Mortgage Principal Calculator
This calculator allows you to "peek into the future", allowing you to see the remaining balance of your mortgage after several payments.
Affordability Calculator
How much can you borrow from a lender? Use this calculator to calculate the amount you can afford from the lender's point of view.
How Much Income do I Need to Qualify?
Do you need to know how much money you must earn to purchase the house of your dreams? This calculator will help you figure it out.
Mortgage Length Calculator
This calculator will help you to determine your savings if you make larger monthly payments.
What if I Pay More Every Month?
See how your mortgage will be reduced, if you pay $$$ more every month.

Comparison Calculators

Which Loan is Better?
Can't decide which loan offer is better? Input your numbers here and lock-in the best offer.
Rent vs. Buy
Still renting an apartment and thinking about a home purchase? This calculator can help you make the final decision.
Standard vs. Bi-Weekly
You heard that bi-weekly payments can significantly decrease the time of mortgage payoff? Check it out with this calculator.


Benefits Calculators

Should I Refinance?
Is your old APR (Annual Percentage Rate) too high? Estimate the benefits of refinancing using this calculator.
Tax Benefits Calculator
This calculator will calculate your tax savings after a house purchase. Financial analysis includes first year as well as total tax savings.
Should I Pay Points to Lower My Interest Rate?
Calculate how much points affect your monthly payments and how fast they will pay for themselves.

*By refinancing your existing loan, the total finance charges may be higher over the life of the loan. Please contact one of our loan professionals for full details.

Credit Card Payoff Calculators

How Can I Payoff My Credit Card Debt Sooner?
This credit card payoff calculator will tell you how long it will take you to pay off your credit card debt with the amount you pay now, and how much you would have to pay every month to eliminate credit card debt even sooner.
Paying off Credit Card Debt with Minimum Payments
This calculator is designed to show you how long it will take to pay off your credit card and how much interest you will pay if you only make the minimum monthly payment.

Miscellaneous Calculators

Payment per Thousand Financed
Have you ever wondered how much you pay for every $1,000 of your mortgage loan? Find out here!
What is The Real APR for That Loan?
This calculator estimates your real APR (Annual Percentage Rate) with points.